hether you're living in a rural or urban area, noise pollution will always be an issue. It's just the busy and chaotic world we live in, and it seems to be getting louder every day. It's stressful, annoying, wakes up children, and turns us into stressful, sleepless shells of ourselves.

Thankfully, there are a few ways to combat the excess noise, and one of the most effective is by installing soundproof windows in your home.

There are a lot of factors to consider when looking for the best soundproof window for your home. Price, style, and noise reduction capabilities are all essential considerations. In this guide, we will outline everything you need to know to make an informed decision about which window is right for you!

How to Sound Proof Windows?

The sound transmission class, or STC scale, is the best way to indicate the quality of a window's sound insulation capabilities.

Window manufacturers have adopted this as an industry standard, and many use it when marketing their products online, so customers know exactly what they're buying without having any confusion about certification standards like those found in construction material, such as gypsum board.

When it comes to reducing external noise, you should first consider your windows. The thickness of the glass and how close together the panes are will affect what sounds pass through them.

Looking at the facts, you will want a window that blocks between 90% - 95% of external sound (sound from outside your house, like a busy road or street). Otherwise, the windows don't actually classify as being 'soundproof.'

In terms of the STC scale, you'll want windows around the 45 - 50 range, making it easy to shop for such windows. Just look for this rating. As a rule of thumb;

● Single-pane windows have a rating of 21

● Double panes are 26

● Triple panes are 31

But we know what you're thinking. Hold up, none of those window types actually classify as soundproofing windows?

That's right, although some windows will block out and reduce quite a lot of sound, at best muting it slightly, if you want true soundproofing, you're going to need a solution known as 'laminated windows.

Laminated Windows – How Do They Block Noise?

Laminated windows are made from two or more panes of glass, with a layer of clear plastic in between them. The clear plastic is what provides the soundproofing benefits as it acts as a barrier to noise.

You can think of it as putting your earphones in when you want to listen to music and block out the outside noise. The plastic does the same thing, but for your windows!

Laminated windows are great at blocking out low-frequency sounds like traffic or construction work and can reduce the sound by up to 95%, with an STC rating of around 40.

However, these panes are typically more expensive than your standard double or triple-pane window, usually clocking in around a few hundred dollars, depending on the window's model and brand.

If you're applying a laminated insert to a standard double pane window, this is going to cost you around $950, but this means you get the soundproofing benefits and extra safety features. Nevertheless, laminated glass is far stronger and more durable than standard glazing windows, so that's an extra benefit you can enjoy.

This is perhaps the best way to go about soundproofing.

If you already have single or double-paned windows, then it's best to get a laminated panel put into these windows, rather than buying just laminated glass and replacing your windows entirely. The combination of the two is what will deliver the best results, which can typically provide an average STC rating of 49-54 or more.

With all this in mind, it's easy to see that the investment is definitely worthwhile if you want to enjoy some proper peace and quiet in your home.

Does Triple Pane Glass Reduce Noise?

As we briefly mentioned before, triple pane windows can help reduce noise.

They work similarly to double pane windows but with an extra layer of glass and plastic. This means there are more panes for sound waves to have to travel through before they reach the other side, making it more difficult for noise to pass through.

Thus, you get a much quieter home and living space, even if you're living in a busy, noisy city.

While triple-pane windows are great at reducing noise, they're not as effective as laminated windows on their own. Again, this is because the plastic layer in between the glass panes makes a difference when it comes to soundproofing.

There's no denying that triple-pane windows provide some soundproofing benefits, much more than you can expect from single or double-pane windows, and you can expect an STC rating of between 29 and 39. This means they're good but not as good as laminated glass or a combination of laminated glass and double-paned windows, which can exceed 48 STC.

Triple pane windows are also more expensive than double-pane and laminated options, so if you're looking for the best value for your money with the best soundproofing results, laminated windows are definitely the way to go.

Other Options: Reduce Outside Noise

If you're not looking to replace your windows, they aren't in your budget, or you're renting and can't make any changes to the property, there are still some things you can do to reduce outside noise.

One option is to install acoustic window inserts, which are placed on the inside of your window and work in a similar way to laminated windows.

They typically cost around $250 per window and can provide an STC rating of between 28 and 35, reducing outside noise by between 50% and 70%.

Another option is installing acoustic curtains, designed to absorb sound rather than block it out. These are a great option if you want to reduce noise but don't want to block out all-natural light.

You can also try to soundproof your room by adding things like rugs, carpets, or tapestries to absorb sound.

If you want to go the extra mile, you could even add a false wall and fill it with insulation to help reduce noise.

These are just some of the ways you can reduce outside noise without replacing your windows.

So, there you have it, everything you need to know about finding the best soundproof windows for your home. We hope this guide has been helpful, and you can now make an informed decision about what type of window is right for you.

If you have any questions or want more information on soundproof windows, don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to help!

June 26, 2022 — Della Wang